Once again, we were back to where we had started but this time with a much bigger version. YIC had doubled its size and we had selected 220 delegates! A mark of success in itself. And as it is obvious, the event had to be grand. With 220 delegates and 20 Happiness Team members, we were all set to go.
This time, we were joined by our dear friend Sebastian, who had been a core supporter of #DoWhatYouLove since the beginning. He came all the way from Germany to help us make it a success. A mentor as well as a Happiness Team member, Sebastian’s presence was a boost for all our delegates. We also had some new faces – Founder of BitGiving – Ishita Anand; Co-chair of Young Indians – Amrita Bahl; Founder of Nurturing Green – Annu Grover; Consultant at KPMG – Neha Kumar, Founder of InMotion – Durgesh Nandan and Fellow at Teach for India – Dhruv Gupta.
Their presence and expert advice had helped our delegates to come up with innovative ideas, which they presented during their presentations. As we got bigger, we had 20 teams instead of 10 presenting. It was wonderful to see the grandness and excitement, which was filled in the air.
Presentations winded up and it was time for the result. The winning team was announced and the two beautiful days closed with lovely messages in sugar cubes and crazy photo sessions at the photo booth.
In a little more than a year, Young India Challenge has started becoming a popular brand, what else could have made us happy!
As always, the night ended by felicitating our winning team members and the most innovative delegate (Mitali Bhasin) who happens to be a school student. The first such winner in the history of YICs!